ADG is a forum to exchange ideas and views, to present research results and progress, and to demonstrate software tools on the intersection between geometry and automated deduction.
The previous six workshops were held in Pontevedra 2006, Gainesville 2004, Linz 2002, Zurich 2000,
Beijing 1998, and Toulouse 1996.
The seventh workshop ADG 2008 will be hosted by the East China Normal University (ECNU) at its campus in Shanghai, China, from Sept. 22nd to Sept. 24th 2008.
ADG 2008 is co-organized by the CAS-MPG Partner Institute for Computational Biology, Shanghai Institute of Biology Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
It is planned to invite authors of outstanding contributions to submit full articles for the post-proceedings, which are planned to be published in Springer LNCS.